surgery take II

This morning my mother came into my bedroom and asked her poor, invalid, bed-ridded daughter what she would like to eat. My request? Cocoa puffs. I thought maybe my previously-mentioned conditions would warm her anti-sugar-cereal heart. But, well, it turns out some things never change.


Before we go on, I would just like to say, for the record, that I am writing this on 15 mg of Oxycodone.

Ok, go.

This past week was a blur of open-ended hospital gowns, needle pricks, vital signs, and even a blood transfusion. It doesn't get much more exciting than that.

Last time I showed up at the hospital for this procedure I was so nervous I was physically sick. I was positive I was on the verge of throwing up, and I'm quite certain the only reason I didn't is due to the little needle full of calming magic they shot into my veins.

This time, however, I was ready for it. Blood sample? Take it. IV? Go for it. Epidural? Bring it on. Knock me out, cut me up, screw me back together and throw me into my recovery room.

I'd say it all went pretty smoothly.

My JC family consists of the coolest people ever
Ya know, just making me feel at home

:) I know, right?
Yep, I'm ok with that
After 9 months in Iraq, this is our reunion picture. Love you, Dan!
Can't complain
Thank you, O positive blood donors, for providing me with strength 
My family and friends know me well. Too bad the sight of these things make me slight sick :S
Ok, let's try and find one more thing we can put on Sade's wrist...
Movin like a pro! 
Cause I didn't already feel like a senior citizen...


  1. ahhhh!! I wish I could come and visit you!! i love you girl! I with you all my love and support in the recovery process!!!!

  2. hey sooo, i don't even know what you had surgery for and I feel awful CAUSE YOU USED TO BE MY VISITING TEACHEE. hope you recover quickly! I'm really jealous of you being visited by Sarah, Kevin, and Spencer. :) Get better!

  3. Sades, I'm glad you still have your sense of humor :) and you still look like a babe, even in a hospital gown. But I hope you stay happy and get out of there soon!

  4. sadieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just want to be there so bad it's ssfslejfslkjfsef. :( I'm glad you're doing well though. :) (p.s. I'm O+ ... so maybe I saved your life!! ... probably not.. but that would make me feel cool)

  5. My first thought: you look way too cute to be in the hospital.

    My second thought: Dad owns a leather jacket??!!

    I'm glad your up and about. And sorry about the coco puffs. You're right. Some things never change. =)

  6. This is great, Sadie, but did you have to post the one where we're making faces? :P
