All I need is crutches

These are the hands of a farmer. Or, well, a farmer's daughter.
This picture was taken after large amounts of dirt had dried/fallen off so my hands weren't looking nearly as Ethiopian as originally planned, but the general idea is still portrayed. 

Tonight I will go to bed and not-fully-wake up tomorrow at four and drive to a hospital where I will spend a few days and, in a week or two, I will find myself once again in my bed, fully awake for the first time in a long time.

Wish me luck folks, just because I've done it before doesn't mean the prospect is any more exciting.

And now, a word from the wise.

Going to spend a few days in a hospital bed? Here are the things I would recommend brining. Cause, you know, I'm an expert.



Your journal. One day you will find entertainment in your drugged entries


That's all. They have movies and lots of sherbet so you'll be good. Oh, bring your phone. But text at your own risk, you may regret things you say later.

Right. Wish me luck.



  1. you are in my prayers, girl! Love you!

  2. I was out at th hospital for a suspected dengue fever, for a week and it was a torture for me. What stress me out is I couldn't go home because my fever didn't go down and seeing the other patients leave was a stressful thing.

  3. Haha! Text me text me!!! I can't believe I'm encouraging this after nearly forcibly removing your phone from you when you were previously drugged =) Love you! We'll cone visit soon. Let me know if there's anything you really need or want and I'll bring it up with me =) Love you!
