So it turns out I stalk myself

I have a confession.

I, like any red-blooded facebook user, immediately take to stalking my new friends. Request accepted? Great. Now let's check out the profile pic, most recent wall posts, and the info section. Maybe make a new connection by glancing at the friends in common, possibly admire (or look down upon, in my case) their employer. You know, the usual.

Then, as my routine stalkings draw to an end, I can't help but wonder if they are doing the same to me. What are they seeing? Reading? Watching? Thinking? Sooner than later I find myself on my own profile page, flipping through pictures, comments, and friends.

Were I looking at my profile, would I think I was cool? Would I be jealous of my awesome photos and their witty captions?

Then, in the midst of my narcissistic musings, I stop myself. Does anyone really put that much effort and time into their new-found-friend stalkings? Am I actually spending more time stalking myself than others? When did that become ok?

Case in point. It's not.

I tell you this in a desperate plea that someone else is as facebook-self-absorbed as I, and that they are man enough to admit it.

.... anyone?



  1. yes (she said sheepishly as she quickly minimized the browser window which displayed her own facebook profile...)

    except I'm worse with my blog. I'm pretty sure the only reason why my page count is at 14,000 is because I'm my biggest fan. Sad? Ok, maybe.

  2. man. oh so man.

    wow. it hurt to type that a little.

  3. Yes Sadie, I also do this!
    I removed my facebook yesterday though,
    and it's making me itch a bit...
