All in a day

"Once upon a time I wrote a paper in half an hour." -Kristen
"What?!" For Muhlestein?" -Me
"Well it's about to happen right now." -Kristen

"Something has to be sacrificed, and I think it has to be the shower. It's just not happening tonight." -Me
"Why don't we sacrifice a goat?" -Spencer

"IN my biblical experience..." -Jeanelle

"I hate the man who came up with this weeks schedule. And you know it was a man because he had a nothing box and so he doesn't have to think of more than one thing at once." -Ashley

"Excuse me, excuse me! Oh, I see, you were racing to get the tests. That is a good reason." -Adnan

"I'll see you in the bedroom." -Taylor
"What?!?" -Kristen
"He was talking to Michael." -Me

"Please hold." -Me
"Oh, ok..." - Victoria

"Smorgasbord, does that word mean what I think it means?" -Me
"Yup. Like a hodge podge?" -Kristen

And those are the noteworthy things that happened today :)

In closing, I'll leave you with a picture preview of the topic for an upcoming post. Can you guess what it will be?


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