Bad Ash is at it again

Ok folks, let's be honest. I am on a hair kick. We all know that I have a bit of an addiction to dying, cutting, and otherwise changing my hair, and I have come to terms with the fact that it is an issue.

But I have been trying to grow it out, I really have! And in the process I have begun to notice different hair styles that I like and would like to do once my hair is long enough.

Motivation, folks. Good old fashion motivation.

The issue here is that my hair is still too short for the styles I like, but they are so cool that I must try them!!

Luckily Jennie was always near for me to experiment with.

But now she is gone off to Alabama *snif* and I am heading over to the Holy Land and I have had to come to terms with the fact that there may not always be someone around whose hair I can do at will.

And so I realized that I must begin finding hair styles that I like that can work with my length.


I didn't have to look far.

Her name is Ashli. Spashli. Spastic. Bad Ash. Pick one and run with it. I work with her, and she has beautiful hair.

And she has this thing that she does with it, it resembles the beach curl but with a touch of Veronica Lake. It curls in the front of the front and the bottom of the back, and I adore it.

So I said to her: "Ashli, I love your hair. Make a tutorial and put it on your blog."
And she replied: "I do not have a blog."
And I replied: "Then make a tutorial and I shall put it on mine!"

And so she did. And I will forever love her for it and so will you.

Ashli, you are the love of my life.



  1. All these people that know how to curl their hair with a straightener... O_o I'm jealous. And they DO make it look so easy! Not so easy for me.

  2. And P.S. I know Ashli! She's cool. :D

  3. Wait Krys I know you?? What's your last name?

  4. My maiden name is Giles. But I'm pretty sure we went to high school together. I just know you look super familiar.
