p p p poker face?

The inspiration: the hairbow

The result:
Ok, so there is room for improvement, but let's not discuss that

Thanks Jennie for letting me unleash my I-must-try-this-hairstyle-right-now frenzies on your head.

I will never forget you.

And, um, while we're on the topic... she will never forget me. I can promise you that with confidence. Because I got her this for christmas.

Ok maybe it was a big narcissistic but I cannot have my roommates forgetting me when I head off to the Holy Land to take up residence for 4 months.

It was that or a cardboard cutout of myself to keep in the living room... or whatever room my roommates happen to be partying in at the time.



  1. i'm serious, i like that it's like kind of messy and not perfect. i want to be be able to do this to my hairrrrrr!

  2. That is so awesome! Could be the coolest/creepiest present to ever grace the earth. I don't know if I could handle one of that magnitude.
