The Smell of Rain

not to play the role of extreme pessimist, but...

I  hate the smell of  rain! 

and secretly think people who say they like it are lying. Because it does not smell clean, or fresh, or anything good.

NO: it smells like worms.  Sick, nasty, slimy, squirmy, gray, ugly worms.
And the smell is so strong that it induces a Gag-Reflex and I have to hold my breath and walk quickly and wish that SARS was still a problem so that I could wear a face mask and get away with it.

But I can't walk too quickly, because there are so many worms all over the ground. They sit there just waiting to be stepped on so they can release their stench. And then it gets on your shoes and no matter where you go for the rest of the day the smell of worms is following you.

But if April showers bring May flowers, I guess I can put up with the smell for a few weeks...



  1. It's actually the smell of the wet asphalt that I like...

  2. It only smells like that in Utah. In other places (the Pacific northwest, and Minnesota to a lesser extent) it smells amazingly clean and fresh.

  3. Sadie, I am Joshua Wartena's aunt Shari and I went to your blog from his mom's blog. I totally agree with you! I now live in the Pacific Northwest and just last night it rained really hard and the smell brought back memories of being a little girl walking to school in Orem, Utah trying not to step on the big, gross, slimy, stinky worms! It doesn't matter where you go the smell is the same and I always think worms. Glad to know it isn't just me.
