Baking is my thing. I'm good at baking. Sure, I may make a few mistakes and take a little longer to get something down, but I enjoy it. Baking brings me an almost ridiculous sense of accomplishment. Like, chill. You baked a cake, you didn't draft the constitution.
Cooking, on the other hand? Disastrous. Not my thing. Run for the hills. We're talking complete incompetence to the point of I once burned a pan of vegetable soup. Not homemade from scratch vegetable soup, Campbells*.
It's no surprise that dinners at the Esplin's can be a bit last-minute and thrown together, but every once in a while we get something amazing that we come back to over and over. Our recent favorite is our own version of prosciutto pizza, and I thought I'd share it with you today.
I know what you're thinking: "That looks terrible." You're right. I never said I would give you amazing food photography, so bear with me here.
Spencer's family has a pizza oven and his mom has gathered a lot of amazing recipes over the years. Our favorite is the pera, which combines pears and prosciutto. We took stock of what we had and tried to do our best.
So, in all of my "I'm not a food blogger" glory, I give you,
Prosciutto Pizza, A Recipe:
This is my favorite pizza crust recipe
Olive Oil
Goat Cheese
Red Onion
Pear slices
Italian seasoning
After Baking: Top with Balsamic Vinegar
Enjoy. Or, ya know, hopefully enjoy. And then share your pizza recipes with me because there can
never be enough pizza recipes.
Peace in the Middle East.
*I think it should be said here that I have a very self-deprecating sense of humor. I feel the need to point this out because I sometimes like to exaggerate my lack-of-expertise in any given field for comedic effect. When I burned the vegetable soup, for instance, it was because some books fell over on my shelf and my favorite piggy bank (I collect them) fell off and broke. I spent the next 10 minutes gathering up the pieces, seeking out some super glue, and putting the poor thing back together. It was only then that I remembered the soup on the stove, and I returned to find it burned. But that story isn't interesting. Being so incompetent in the kitchen that I burned pre-made soup, however, is. Moral of the story, I'm not as dim-witted as I make myself out to be! Mostly. Sometimes completely. Just wanted to make sure no one was labeling me as the village idiot and never entrusting me with any tasks requiring the mental capacity of a five year old!
**I realize this is in no way related, but I am a mom and this is a blog so I think I'm entitled to share a video of my kid, yeah?