"Moles don't eat dirt, worms eat dirt"

$10 to anyone who can name that movie. Without googling. Also, let's make it 10 cents because that just seems a little more reasonable. Full disclosure: you will probably not get any money for naming that movie.

I feel like these "I swore I would never" posts are becoming a bit of a theme over here, maybe I need to make it a weekly event. Foot in my mouth Friday, perhaps? That being said, here is a short list of things I swore I would never do as a parent:

• Take my baby to the store in a dirty onesie
• Have a child who spit up (what even)
• Permit messy meal times
• Have a child who had blow-outs away from home
• Let my child drink from my water bottle

Cute, right? If you were feeling overly generous you might call this list optimistic, but I'm going to go ahead and use the word naive. Let's be honest, when it is someone else's child, these things can be overly disgusting. But when it's your child, it just is what it is.

And so it is when Carter eats dirt. If he belonged to someone else, I am sure I would look on the situation with a fair amount of judgement. As it is, I figure he's boosting his immune system and, if I'm being honest, I think it's adorable. I mean really, look at his little hands digging around in the dirt! If you could see the way he smiles after shoving a handful in his mouth you would find it adorable as well. No? That's the mom in me speaking? Ah well, I digress.

Just to be clear, I do watch my child and make sure he doesn't eat too much dirt or any rocks or any other such hazards. I swear I parent my child. 


  1. Mine was "I'm not just going to let her eat off of the floor like that". Cute, right?

  2. So this blog post!! I didn't know you had a mental list going of things you would never do as a parent. I'm really glad I didn't know that! The "I will never do that" attitude directed towards parents by people who don't have children is without a doubt one of my biggest pet peeves. Naive is a rather nice way of saying what it actually is, obnoxious! Not that I feel strongly or anything.

  3. Holes! I don't know if you remember me but we were in the same ward at the riv forever ago, but I love your blog and your babe is adorable!

  4. Holes! I don't know if you remember me but we were in the same ward at the riv forever ago, but I love your blog and your babe is adorable!
