Dear People,

True or False: Everyone and their dog is feeling anxious right now. I'm gonna go ahead and say true. I feel like everyone I have talked to lately is just in a crazy limbo phase and they're feeling uncertain about their future.

I am definitely in this group. Jennie's post said it perfectly, and as I was writing my novel of a comment I decided to just turn it into a post of my own:

Jennie. You just blogged my mind. For some reason I am so nervous to go back to school. I mean it's not like I don't love all of our roommates, and it's not like this semester could be any worse than the one before, but for some reason I just feel sick about moving out of my parents and back into an apartment, which is so weird cause normally I'm so tired of being the only one at home and I'm jumping to get back into social life. I think it's because there are so many uncertainties in my life right now. Like you said, I have absolutely no idea where I will be in a year, or even in four months, and it's killing me. I just feel like my life is a cloud of gray (that sounds pathetic, but seriously when I look into my future I literally picture a gray cloud) and the only one who knows what's going on in there is the Lord. I just have to trust him!! Ahh, I know that is true but sometimes it is so hard to move forward when you have no idea what is waiting for you.

Helaman 12:1 "And thus we can behold how false, and also the unsteadiness of the hearts of the children of men; yea, we can see that the Lord in his great infinite goodness doth bless and prosper those who put their trust in him."

So, dear people, just have patience. I hope that you are not feeling as confused as I am at the moment, but if you are, just know that you are not alone, and I truly believe we will all figure everything out.


  1. Needed that scripture and that quote today :) Thanks, girl! We'll make it through :)

  2. All I have to say about this is: DITTO.

  3. I totally know what you mean about the gray. It doesn't always let up..but little things make it bearable. I love you. I'm in the process of planning a 405 girls reunion.

  4. Wow, that scripture couldn't be more perfect for me. Thank you! I completely feel the same way about this semester and just dreaded coming back from break. Weird, but you understand. And, I think Pres. Hinckley said that quote, too. So good to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way.

  5. Awwww Sadie I just love you!!! I feel the exact same way and both yours and Jennie's posts made me feel tons better. I am gonna miss you girlies so much! But thank goodness for blogs...anytime I feel Provo-sick, I can creepily stalk you all and see what crazy things you are up to. ;) And by the way, you are just AMAZING and I hope this year turns out great! You deserve it. Just sayin :)

  6. Interesting. All the people I seem to talk to have their stuff in order while I'm stuck on a small boat in the middle of who knows where paddling myself through, what seems to be, endless fog. Hope at least you will find your way.
