But seriously. What would happen if a tornado met a volcano?
Think about it and get back to me.
So every once in a while, well, no, more like most of the time I have a thought somewhere in my mind that goes pretty much like this: "I want to be a journalist. I want to write a column for a newspaper."
It's a wonderful thought. Along with writing and having people actually care and read it and pay me for it, this career choice brings on some other mental images, all of which include me wearing pencil skirts and feminine blazers with my hair in a beautiful bun, glasses in place, and a moleskine notebook and pencil in hand.
Or rather, a pen in hand. I hate pencils.
I guess you could say I would look like this, more or less.
I would have a highly personalized cubicle where I would sit for hours pouring out my heart and soul.
Should I be concerned that my dream includes a cubicle??
Each time I find myself dwelling on this dream, I can't help but wonder why I have not gotten around to switching my major. What am I doing majoring in education? I don't want to teach high school for a living!
I spend a few days playing around with the idea, and just as I am about to make the change...
today happens.
And then today turns into this week, which quickly become the past few months.
Then, one innocent afternoon, I go to my blog and realize that my last post was... WHAT? Over a month ago?? I mean, sure, I've posted a random picture or two, but my last post of substance was so horribly long ago I don't even want to think about it.
What have I been doing? Why have I not been writing?
I think back over the elapsed time, and realize the paralyzing truth: I have not had one blog-worthy thought in months.
Zero inspiration. None.
How can I expect to sit in my beautiful cubicle and spill out glorious thoughts daily if I can't even come up with something to share with my blog?
And so I move on to dream number two:
Be Jack Bauer.
Or at least work as some sort of awesome federal agent. But this dream brings on challenges all its own, the first being a need to learn Arabic.
Because really, what would be the point of being a federal agent if I couldn't speak Arabic?
So now I am going to go look up prices of the Arabic Rosetta Stone.
What, like that's not what you do on Tuesday night?
the most talented and interesting journalists are the ones who didn't major in journalism :-) I love you writing. Keep it comin' whenever you have something BIG or small to share. love you!