
It was another late night.

The kind where your head begins to fall, only to jerk up moments later when your roommates asks a question.

Then, seconds later, you find you have already repeated the process, this time managing to start a dream before coming back to reality.

I was reunited with my pillow at approximately 2:30 am. Which I mean, considering I'm in college and all, shouldn't be an issue. However, only two nights ago the girls of 405 and I made it to bed at 3:30.

We also had full day field trips. They start at 7:30 and require a good amount of walking in a not so good amount of heat.

But, well, things must be done. Jerusalem magazines and end of year slide shows are much more important than a full REM cycle. What better way to start battling the jet lag? I figure at this point messing up my sleep schedule should not be a concern.

This slide show, however, should.

It has been one to many hours and we still have one to many to go.

I know, right? Really? It's just a slideshow.

But Katie and I are in charge of this slide show, so you had better believe that it will be the best end of year slideshow known to man.

Pretty sure, had I not had two faithful souls by my side, I would have cursed iMovie and just thrown my computer away. Or, had I followed through and finished, we would have been labeled as "Jerusalem, Winter 2001". As it is, the whole thing was kinda fun and borderline enjoyable. Even though I was told BJ may not make it through the day, he was the most helpful person ever. We owe him our lives. Possibly literally. And Katie, oh Katie. If only there were words to describe the thanks I owe to Katie.

Flattering, right? Refer to lack of sleep mentioned above. 

1 comment:

  1. dude. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. slideshows are so much harder to do than people think. I mean seriously. I have horror stories. band slideshow. freshman ward slideshow. both wanted to kill myself at least at one point. okay... maybe not kill... but definitely hit something really hard. (which... okay.. I probably did.)

    p.s. the word verification this time is "piablets." I think we need to make this into a word. I'll start thinking of definitions!
