Back to reality

Alright. Good news folks.

Jet-lag is gone, I've stopped hiding in the shower, and I'm finally unpacking.

You can judge me for that last one if you want.

And, in case you need further proof that I have returned to normal Sadie, yesterday I went to the store and bought nothing but ice cream and mountain dew, and I'm currently cleaning my room to the voice of Jim Dale. Our dear friend Harry Potter is about to sacrifice his life, it's intense.

Jobless, school-less, and slightly bored I am officially starting my list of summer activities:

1) deep clean
2) scrapbook Jerusalem
3) paint Sinai
4) make my jean blanket

I'm starting on that last one today.

Don't worry, I've been saving up jeans for years 
And, well, um, I want to say something life-alteringly cool... ... but I'll have to get back to you on that




  1. We should cut jeans together =) Especially if you have sharper scissors than I do... my hands are already sore.
