Lame Brain

It's ok to say it, I know that's what I am. I have become the world's lamest excuse for a blogger. 

Just wait til I'm feeling overloaded with school, then we'll have periods of 3 posts per day.

But for now:

Hey mom! So, um, remember that boy you drove to the airport? I hope you liked him, cause....

Joke. It was valentines day and this field of yellow flowers was just too beautiful, how could we resist the photo op? 
Meet Caleb, my valentine :) I'm pretty sure he only accepted cause I offered him a sucker, but I'm happy either way!

I was probably nine when this photo was taken. I mention my age because that is how old I was when my sisters went to college, meaning I had to start dressing myself. Hence, this outfit.
Anyway, this is pretty much how I feel about animals.
And now that you have seen my true feelings, please be so proud of me for actually touching one! 
Just making some Hyssop 
Elementary school buddies :)
That, my friends, is one big wall of chalk. 
Just making some olive oil. You know, what I do every day. 
That and hang out in tombs. Don't worry, it's normal.
And this is what we call an excellent study method. That is, if you actually write the names correctly... It's ok Spencer, we love you anyway


1 comment:

  1. Trevor McKinnon (Kelsey's husband)February 24, 2011 at 4:55 PM

    So, I have to admit it was pretty weird when my wife showed me your blog (which she stalks multiple times a day, by the way) and I see you in a field of flowers with my "son" from the mission. It would have been even crazier if you two were really engaged, but alas, twas not so.

    Tell Michael to behave himself and that we'll miss him at our Spanish district reunion over conference weekend.
