I'm glad she acted on it

You may (or probably not) remember a while ago when I shared my thoughts on Dandelions.

In short: Dandelions remind me how every decision we make has big consequences and how they do not only effect ourselves, but the people around us. 

I promise they correlate. 

I found myself once again thinking of Dandelions last night as I talked with my roommates. 

We, the girls of 405, have started holding 405 district meetings on Sabbath night. One girl picks a spiritual topic which we then spend the week contemplating, and then get together to discuss it. 

Last night we found ourselves discussing spiritual promptings. We talked about the times in our lives when someone has completely and perfectly answered our prayers when there was no way for them to know they were doing it.

The perfectly timed question, someone stopping by to say hello, or taking the time to let someone know how much they mean to you.

The gist of our conversation was that you never know when a good thought actually comes from above, so it's probably best to just always act on it.

And so in closing I must say, to the amazing note-leaver, thank you. You could have no idea how much I needed that and how much I love you for it :)

And on a completely unrelated note: 
Quote of the week: "I'll trade you a Tums for a conversation heart."

1 comment:

  1. I'd TOTALLY trade you any of my candy for a Tums! haha! Thank you pregnancy heartburn =)

    Hooray for note-leavers, dandelions, and Sabbath meetings with all your favorite girls!
