News of Jericho to come

Jericho was amazing, but until I get the pictures from my professor I am going to wait to blog about it. 

So for now I'll bombard you with more images :)

This is my "sad homeless child" face. We tried to go to Hebrew U so we could upload
videos to our blog (patience, it'll happen) but they were closed. Go figure.

Mount of Olives? Oh yeah it's no big I live there. 

"You are the Mormons? For you, special price."
We stick out like a sore thumb. 

Oh hey guys, this is what I see every night. 



  1. The followers war is officially over. I've been pwned.

    I'm sure it's just all your new Jerusalem friends and what not (unfair advantage!), but still. The only thing sadder than a loser is a loser who refuses to believe she is one.

    Is it just me, or is that Taps playing in the background?

  2. heads up: Hebrew U always seems to be closed.

    I only got in once. If you get an onery security guard they don't let you in. Just act natural...

    AHHHH I miss those signs. And that view.

  3. That last picture is beautiful!

  4. Ok, I'm sad, the pictuers are making me "home sick" I hope all is well!

    Michael Boren

  5. Ooooohhhkay... I officially want to go more than anything.
