I walked today where Jesus walked

I'm off! I'm off, I'm off, I'm off.

Or at least almost. I will be in about 22 hours.

Off to the Holy Land where I will spend this semester on a study abroad.

What does this mean for the blog? Hopefully good things.

Even though I am quite excited to be leaving, I must say that I am a little bit sad to be leaving a few things behind.

Like my niece. The one who is 22 and is married and pregnant. She's kinda been my best friend for a good number of years, and it is weird and a little bit sad that I am missing the baby-prep stage of life.

I'll miss my family and my roommates, but really 4 months is not a lot of time. It is actually a really short amount of time.

And now I must go start continue packing in all of my nervousness and excitement, all the time thinking how in two days I'll wake up to a view not unlike this one

