It's a blog thing

These are the top 5 (non-family) blogs that I stalk.

Yes, stalk.

order not specific
1. The lady doth protest too much: Kristi falls under the category of good things that came from Tucanos. She is honestly one of the most amusing writers ever. Not to mention she and her husband are just down right awesome.
2. I believe in unicorns: I was sent to this blog by a friend to whom I now owe my life. One of the best things about this blog is that there is almost always a new post, nothing like some good dependancy in life.
3. Free Flan: Again, introduced by same friend, which means I now owe my life and my first born. I often read this blog during my HOC class and would be laughing so much that the people next to me would actually stop what they were doing to look at my screen.
4. All things Jennie Rae: This girl is my life. Or at least she has my life and my firstborn seeing as she is the friend who introduced me to the blogs above. Her blog is beautiful and just pure Jennie.
5. That brave, unbalanced woman: This one is the creepiest because I actually sotra kinda know the author but she does not know me, or that I stalk her blog. Her name is Julie, and she is a brilliant writer.

Now folks, those are just the top five. I will not deny the fact that there are quite a few blogs that I read on a regular basis, and I am always looking for more.

What are your favorites??

Just as a matter of interest, I have now spelled the word "screen" "screne" about five times in the past two hours. 



  1. I like you a lot. :) yep. that is all.

    p.s. I really wish I had my sadie pillow right now...

  2. You are too cute, Sadie! I am glad we're blogging buddies :) P.S. You might not know it, but I am in a mental competition with you regarding followers. You were ahead of me for a while, but I've since pulled ahead by two. IT'S ON, GIRL.

  3. Oh, my poor poor blog... I fear it has seen it's end. It has collapsed like flan in a cupboard... you get the idea. Some day I will blog again.

    And I can't wait to read of your foreign adventures!!!
