Favors and Regrets

As I have been here I have been making a list of things I wish I had packed, but didn't. It is comprised of things I never would have thought of, things I thought about but didn't think were important, and things I brought but wish I'd brought more of. It is actually becoming quite long, and I have numbered things off as most important, or the things that the most people here agree with.

I will post this at a latter date, once I have been here much longer and am more capable of posting a complete list.

In the mean time, I will share my top two with you: a blanket, and my piano music.

But mostly my piano music.

Turns out that there is actually a lot more down time here than I was planning on, and many students fill this time going to town on their instrument of choice.

Oh how wish I could join them!

But alas, my bright pink binder full of my most loved piano songs is sitting, abandoned, on the floor of my parent's living room.

So here is the part where I ask you a favor: If you happen to have some sheet music files sitting around your hard drive, do you wanna send them my way? Easy to intermediate to advance, I want them all!

I would love you forever. And send you pop rocks chocolate which is probably the best offer you could ever get from anyone.

That is all.

K thanks bye :)


  1. Sade, I have been in the caribbean for the past week and half and have just now read all your Jerusalem blog posts so forgive me for this really long comment. First of all, I don't have any sheet music for you, sorry. I wish I did. Second, what int he world is operation Omay and Jimmy? Third, I loved your blog post about dancing with the Jewish people. Kind of sad that you didn't get pictures but also kind of special in an "only you can ever really understand that moment" kind of way. Fourth, I love the coke hoodie picture & way to be a good bargan shopper! And fifth, I want a chocolate pop rock bar and some turkish delights ... delicious! Also, in your next down time read my blog on our trip to the caribbean, nothing like what you are going through but it was fun all the same. Excited to hear more about your travels.

  2. Rach and I could get your music from your parents house and scan some of it in if you like. I always wanted to play the piano there too. I'd do anything for pop rocks chocolate. I can even tell you where it's cheapest.

    I think you go to Egypt soon and I wanted to tell you something. You aren't allowed to bring cameras into the Valley of the Kings, which I was really sad about. BUT once I got into the Valley we had some free time and I went off by myself to a big tomb. The guide who took me into the tomb and his friend who led me to the tomb both asked me if I had my camera. I think people sneak them in pretty easily and it's not a big deal. So, you could try that if you are brave enough. It's not like it's high security. Having pictures from there would be really cool. If you get in trouble though, I'll feel really bad.

    Also, don't go off alone like I did. Take someone with you. And don't let a guide take you anywhere. They will try to help you, but don't let them. They'll be really nice until they want a tip and then they are brutal.

    Egypt is awesome. Ahhhhh. It might have been my favorite part. You will LOVE Luxor. Have fun and be safe. Don't get sick (I didn't, but about 80% of my group did).

    I'll stop blabbering now.
