Dear Wordle:

Thank you for existing. Without you, how would I ever know the 500 most-used words on my blog?

If there is one thing I have learned about myself throughout the course of my life it is that I will always be me. From hanging paper lanterns to spontaneously dying my hair bright red, I will always do the things that I do.

A picture? Ok! If you insist!

I have received numerous responses. "What happened?" "Is there a reason?" "But... you go to BYU!" "How are you expecting to get into the testing center?" "Oh my gosh, I LOVE it!" "Um, Wow!" And my personal favorite, "Are you serious? You're in college."
(please note that only one of the above was positive...)
Um, yes. I am in college. Thanks, Sherlock. I feel this comment was made as a slight on my maturity, like no one over the age of 13 should be dying their hair an unnatural color. To that I say, well, you may have a point. And, more importantly, then I guess it's a good thing I'm the one with bright red hair and not you. I love it and it is easily hidden by a baseball cap so taking tests is totally possible. 

And that's all for now.


Go see Tangled.





    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! I have sooooo gotten all those exact same comments before...haters! I don't understand what it is with people who think dying your hair red (or purple) is something only rebellious punk/emo hipsters do. Purple, blonde, brown--it's all FAKE COLOR no matter how you slice it. Rock on, girl!! I'm back to boring brown (my poor abused tresses are in need of a break....) so I'm glad to see you carrying The Awesome Torch! :)

  2. I love that you have crazy colored hair at BYU. Also, I believe this image may be relevant to your interests:

  3. Sadie, I love your hair. You've always done things your way, which is awesome. Keep dying your hair bright red and being yourself. Because when you have to stifle your true being to be liked by others is when life stops becoming exciting.
