Why the library makes me want to wear sunglasses indoors

Hey there stranger, sorry you're in my direct line of vision. Sorry we keep making completely unnecessary eye contact. Thanks for being female, though. Awkward library eye contact is always worse when shared with a member of the opposite gender. Nope, not checking for the absence of a ring, just looking away from my computer and happened to find myself staring straight into your eyes for the seventh time in the past ten minutes. No big, don't worry.



  1. Way too funny! I can so relate only with people at the gym. But hey, on a posotive note I met a god friend through our day after day awkard eye contact in the wieght lifting area. She took me to her mom's group this morning, Loved it!

  2. Haha Sadie, that happens all too often to me! Especially in the library! I think it's a giant conspiarcy built by the government to make our lives more miserable.
