And then there were two

I don't exactly know what there are two of, but I was trying to think of a post title and that was the only thing coming to mind. Maybe by the time I'm done writing this post two somethings will be mentioned, and we can just pretend like it was intentional.

This past week has been, well, it has been. I feel like this picture can do a better job describing my feelings than I can.

I am not sure who that is, but he was sitting at the only study table that had one person, so I sat with him. At first I thought he was praying, then I thought he was reading from his lap, then I realized he was asleep. He remained in this position for quite a while before waking up and moving to a more comfortable position and eventually leaving the library to, I hope, find a soft patch of grass or welcoming couch. The thing is, I really wanted to join him. I have not felt fully awake for quite some time, and often, like now for example, find myself experiencing an odd sensation. I can feel my brain and body falling asleep, and I'm not fully coherent, yet my eyes remain open and my body continues to type, or read, or do whatever activity I am doing at the moment. I am very excited for general conference weekend, I got work off Saturday and am moving home for the weekend so I don't have to worry about any hall meetings and I am hoping to get some extra sleep in.

Now I am off to try and open these fruit snacks again. I tried earlier, but the plastic was stronger than I was. I am pretty confident that everyone who was in this section of the library and who may have witnessed my failed attempts are gone now, so I will not feel so pathetic trying agin.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the phone call went well! How nice that must have been. And about eating fruit snacks in the library . . . I do believe there are some rules about that. ;) Like I didn't eat in there while on the clock - food my BOSS gave me!
