How to keep your child awake in the car

Before having a child I would often hear mothers talk about difficult things and I just didn't understand. Nursing can be hard? How so? What do you mean? But now that I've been there, I get it. Nursing is HARD. Impossible in some cases. Just take my word for it. 

Example two: "I don't want him to fall asleep in the car because he doesn't transfer to his crib well." What?! I just didn't understand. If they are tired enough to sleep in the car, they will be tired enough to fall back asleep inside. They're babies, babies sleep all the time! HA. You guys, no. If my child falls asleep in the car, there is a less than 2% chance that he will fall back asleep once we are inside. It doesn't matter if he has missed every nap for a week and he only slept for two minutes. If he slept in the car, once I get him out he is awake for good. 

This means that I have had to get creative with the ways I keep him from sleeping. And so I present to you: Three ways to keep your child from falling asleep in the car. 

1. Keep a bucket of ice water in the passenger's seat. If you suspect your child may be dozing off, simply dump the water on his or her head. 

2. Never leave the house without cymbals. When your child begins to nod off, bang the cymbals at 5-10 second intervals to prevent sleep.

3. If all else fails, pull over, park the car, and make your child walk home. You can always go back for your car later. 

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  1. Right though? Transferring to a crib is a myth. But here's the best solution: Get your child an older sibling.

  2. I haven't laughed that hard over a blog post in awhile! Thanks for sharing.
