Gluten is my homeboy

Ok. Enough with gluten free already. If you have gone to a certified doctor with a real medical degree and they have officially diagnosed you in writing with a gluten intolerance, then you just keep on keeping on.

But. If you have heard from a friend of a friend via Facebook that going gluten free will make you feel better and you're giving it a try: stop. Stop. Just stop. If I could hit you in the head with a stop sign I would. Twice.

More energy? Weight loss? Overall wellbeing? It couldn't be related to the fact that you just cut out processed food and most desserts. Cutting out an entire food group without consulting you doctor couldn't possibly do you more harm than good. I will direct to you articles on the topic (thanks Dan):

As you may have inferred from some light reading between the lines, I am so incredibly sick of gluten free that I could scream. So today when a very opinionated second grader started telling me why I should go gluten free, it was all I could do to zone out and keep breathing steadily. Lucking I zoned back in just in time to catch the tail-end of his rant. I could tell it was golden, so I grabbed my phone to jot it down before it was gone. 

As a side note, I am all for eating healthy. However, I also believe in researching what you do before you do it. Do I need to ask the jumping off a cliff question? Let's do our research people.


  1. Hahaha!!! Got to love the things that come out of kids mouths. And I appreciate a pro gluten post...they are hard to find these days.

  2. I'm so glad I decided to come stalk your blog today. This exact topic is one of Jason's biggest pet peeves EVER. He loves/hates pointing out in grocery stores that foods that never actually had gluten to begin with will now advertise "GLUTEN FREE" just going to show people really don't understand it at all!

    And also - that kid's comments scare me to think what in the world his parents are teaching him at home?!

  3. haha um YES thank you. Seriously I'm so sick of all the gluten-free stuff too! I know that some people honestly shouldn't have gluten, but I think most people are just trying the best way be healthy so they everything glutten-free, vegan, and organic. this world..

  4. I could not agree more! Seriously, people, get a grip! I feel so sorry for the ones who actually can't eat even just a tiny bit of gluten without regretting it for the next 6 hours. Someone had to say it! haha I love this post.

  5. OH MY GOSH. Love you so much. Trevor and I talk about this ALL the time. I feel like it seriously just shows people's ignorance about food and our bodies (except when it's for actual medical reasons of course). Such a fad...

  6. haha omgosh ilu soooooo much hahahaha lol xoxoxoxo omgsqueee!

  7. I do have celiac... so I can't eat gluten. BUT I too am sick of everyone and their dog going "gluten free" it's not fun and not healthy if you can eat normally. PLUS all yall who don't really need to eat gluten free keep snatching up all of my favorite gluten free foods. Save them for those who actually are limited on diet options.

  8. I do have celiac... so I can't eat gluten. BUT I too am sick of everyone and their dog going "gluten free" it's not fun and not healthy if you can eat normally. PLUS all yall who don't really need to eat gluten free keep snatching up all of my favorite gluten free foods. Save them for those who actually are limited on diet options.
