Photo A Day

And cue August.

Can we talk about this? I'm honestly in a little bit of shock that the summer has been going so fast. But I will not lose hope, there is still a month left!

All of my shock aside, I'm doing the photo-a-day in August challenge.

I won't blog the photos each day, but I'll def be doing a catch up at the end, and in the meantime you can find my photos on Instagram.

Are you doing the challenge? Let's hook up, in a "i want to see your photos" way, not anything creepy. Leave me a comment telling where I can find your photos, or you can fine me @thatsadie and I will follow you as well :)


  1. Do it!! It's much more fun when you have people doing it with you

  2. I saw you do this last time, so I will be doing it this time. Simply cause it looked interesting and I like taking photos. :)

  3. I've started this month too! I'll follow you on instagram - I'm @clpeucker :)
