Smiling like a fool

In all honesty, I don't think I could be happier right now.

I feel like it's compensation for how crappy the past few months were. Cause seriously, last semester was rough. 

But life in general has been on a serious upward path lately, and the past few days have been especially amazing. 

Let's review:

1) Remember my gym? Everyday we have a workout of the day along with "prescribed" weights. If you are not able to lift as much as is prescribed, you can scale it down. But, if you are cool enough to do all of the prescribed weights and movements, you get the honor of writing "RX" next to your name and time on the board. It's like a rite of passage. 

Well, I have been going to this gym for quite sometime now, and yesterday I got my first RX! It was one of those awesome moments that totally validated all my hard work at the gym and my dedication to the whole 30. I was so pleased with myself, and when I got home this was on facebook:

So much happiness. And, just for the record, the whole 30 went amazingly. I have a whole lot to say about it so I will save it for another post.

2) I took a class this semester called History of Creativity 2. I took number one a few semesters ago so I knew what to expect: a horribly big project worth 200 points, which is more than the final. I was super stressed about it all semester, but luckily Spencer is a TA for a different teacher's HOC class so he helped me out with an idea. 

In the end I wrote my own version of A Modest Proposal. In case you are not familiar with the pamphlet, it was written by Jonathan Swift in the 1700s when Ireland was having economic troubles and children were too expensive to feed. Swift wrote a satire suggesting that parents eat their children as a solution to the problem. I went off of this, and took the issue of modesty on campus, specifically the debate over leggings as pants. I suggested that, to put an end to the debates, we cut off all the women students' legs. 

I wasn't sure I had done a very good job. If we're being honest, I didn't start it until the day before it was due, and I wrote it in a bit of a hurry. The semester-long project took me a total of about 2.5 hours, and I was afraid it would show. 

But no fear, the grades were posted today:

I am absolutely delighted! And so, so grateful.

3) In case you haven't already heard, our video went viral. Remember yesterday when I told you we had 4000 views? Well, check out the view count 24 hours later:

Yeah. Twenty-two thousand. 48 hours after the video went up. 4,000 to 22,000 in 24 hours. What?? My roommates, apartment 83 (the prankers), and I had an interview today with a news channel called Right This Minute which broadcasts to 50 major cities none of which are in Utah, unfortunately. It is seriously so crazy. Who would have thought?? It is just so awesome to know that so many people are getting the same joy out of this that we do. 

4) It is so much more than the things listed above, the rest of it just can't be defined as easily. I am so happy with my job, my Spring term class is going to be amazing, and everything just seems to be going right. I am completely content with my life. 

So, to all of you reading this, I hope that your life is currently treating you well, you deserve it. 



  1. Go Sadie! I wanna read your paper sometime :-)

  2. OHMYGOSH!!!! I LOVE your creative idea project XD!!! Like seriously, DIED laughing when I read what you wrote it on! If the "Student Review" was still being published, they would totally have printed it. Ah the good ol' days. Maybe the BYU paper would run it. You never know. As a joke (obviously.) Happy to hear there has been some respite from the crappiness. And ROCK ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF at the gym! Og and WOO HOO about the video too :) Exciting times!

  3. Please consider posting your HOC project :)
