Welcome to my life

Don't even worry guys, I know that all of you spend all of your time wondering what I am doing with my time. Especially because 10am-4pm my time is like 1am-8am* your time. I know you're losing sleep.

So, for the greater good of mankind, here is my typical daily schedule.**

6:13: Wake up to alarm, turn off alarm, fall back asleep.
6:40: Wake up (internal alarm, it’s great) and get ready, usually while singing the words to Kristen’s alarm and discussing how our lives resemble Groundhog Day. The movie.
6:59: Tell my roommates to wait, I just have to put on shoes and then we can go.
7:00: Walk upstairs to breakfast while praying that they will have my chocolate pillow puff cereal.
7:01: Wonder why I grab a napkin every day at every meal when I never end up using it.
7:02: Stare at the cereal containers longer than is necessary to make sure I didn’t just miss the chocolaty bliss. Grab a toasted pita, boiled egg, orange slices, apple yogurt, and hot cereal.
7:05: Awkwardly pick a table. So much pressure in this decision.
7:07: Cut up boiled egg and put into pita. Eat. 
7:20: Finish breakfast and wonder what to do.
7:25-7:40: Find myself in my room reviewing the Old Testament chapters for class.
8:00-8:50: Old Testament class.
9:00-10:50: Class. Near Eastern Studies or Judaism.
11:00: Somehow this hour seems to be lost each day. We can probably credit that to the internet.
12:00: Lunch.
1:00: This is the point where my days become varied. Some days I have Arabic at 5, sometimes I have Islam at 3, or 4, or 5. On Wednesday, there is a forum at 7, and Friday at 7:30 there is a movie. Monday night at 7 is family home evening, and sometimes there are humanitarian projects.

Or sometimes there is nothing at all, and we venture outside these igloo walls to brave our way through the city. Though it’s not really braving anymore, now it’s just walking around town.

On the days when there is nothing, the JC does not prepare our lunches, but instead gives us a sack lunch to bring out with us.

No matter the day, there is always something going on. A movie in the lounge, an internet party in the 4th floor lobby, a study session by the mailboxes, or volleyball in the gym.

6:00: (almost) always dinner.
7:00: Homework. Ideally, not always realistically. But it starts sometime after dinner and ends before bed. Reading and reviewing and wishing it didn’t have to be done and that the knowledge would just enter my brain and stay there effortlessly.
8:45-12:30 (it varies):  Get ready for bed. Shower, apply totally twisted hair stuff to make it curl, tell my roommates how excited I am to wake up the next morning and eat breakfast, and hope that maybe they will have the chocolate pillow puff cereal.

*Wanna know the easiest way to do the math? Ok, let's do this.
You take the time it is there, and count back three hours, and switch the am/pm when necessary. For example, it is currently 1:28 am in Utah. Just count 12, 11, 10. There we go. 10:28 am in Jerusalem. So glad I could set your mind at ease.

**For days that are school days. Sabbath, Sunday, and Monday are not included. Glad we cleared that up.


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