Laundry day

I'm human, I'll admit it, I hate doing laundry.

I have, however, become quite pro at putting it off. I have a random collection of clothes that, while not covetable by any means, can be thrown together on the inevitable laundry day making an outfit that, from far away, appears acceptable.

Though I have acquired a small collection of these items, there are only enough mixes and matches for two days. That means one day to put off laundry day, and another to actually do it. On occasion, however, I have become overly confident in my abilities to throw together a haphazard ensemble and find that I have put off doing my laundry one day too many.

It is never a pretty sight.

I am reduced to pulling out bags of clothing that have not had time to make their way down to Plato's Closet. I find myself trying to compromise between the slightly too small and the cleanest of the dirty. It is not a sanitary, flattering, or even an acceptable practice, but I like to think that we all have found ourselves in a similar situation.

I am writing this not to let you in on the deep, dark secrets of my wardrobe, but in a somewhat pathetic plea that someone else not only follows this pattern, but is willing to come forth and tell me about it.

So please, fellow laundry-haters, tell me about your pathetic outfits and desperate attempts to pull off something reasonable.
