H - Home and family living/Hip Surgery/HP

Home and family living. My favorite class, without a doubt. We have learned all the random necessities such as how to get a grass stain out of a shirt and how to stop alcoholism from passing from generation to generation. My teacher, Dr. Erickson, is amazing. She has a talent for getting the class involved and never makes anyone feel like their answer was not exactly what she was looking for. Not to mention she assigned the book The Hiding Place, an amazing book that officially pushes all but number one and two down one spot on my favorite book list.

Hip Surgery. Am I excited? No. I have this horrible terrifying fear that I will be one of those people who can feel everything during surgery and for the rest of my life I'm a mental case. Really, this fear has kept me up at night. I am also not really looking forward to the uncomfortable socks after, but thankfully Emily is taking care getting those for me. I am, however, grateful that I will not hurt anymore. Hip pain has been growing, slowly but surely, and it is a happy thought that one day they will hurt no more :)

HP. Yes, I actually added it. Harry Potter has played a great role in my life, and I feel like not adding it to the list would be unfair to J.K.Rowling and Jim Dale. I just really enjoy these books, they're one of those classic comforts, like a harmonica, that will forever remind me of my childhood.


1 comment:

  1. So what's the other top book? HP, (haha! Harry Potter/ Hiding Place... both HP... anyway!) and what??
