Divine Inspiration

"Write an essay in which you discuss what it means to believe in a divinely-inspired Constitution. This essay is not a summary of what prophets or apostles have said nor is it simply an expression of your testimony of modern-day Prophets (though I strongly encourage you to develop such a testimony). Rather, the essay represents an opportunity for you to construct an argument about how the writings of apostles and prophets might affect your understanding and interpretation of the Constitution. As you develop your argument, you should draw upon the reading in Just and Holy Principles. You might pay special attention to the themes of continuity and change in the pronouncements of Church leaders about the Constitution."

Just be glad that I'm the one who has to write 750 words on the topic above, not you.


I thought I would exaggerate the change of topic, so people who got bored reading my essay prompt would know that's not what the whole post is about.

It always used to bug when I was reading someones blog and they would say something along the lines of ...
"so many more people read this than I ever realized! I am so curious as to who all of you are, so please leave a comment so I'll know!!!"
However, recently I have been talking to some friends of mine, and I have discovered that a few more people than I imagined are reading my blog. And, well, I'm curious. Who are these people reading my thoughts? I realize that there is absolutely no incentive for you to leave a comment because it will benefit you in no way, but please?? Comment? Just leave a name?



  1. I'm not going to lie...i love reading people's blogs. but i have to say i am quite disappointed. on the link from my blog to yours, it says your newest update was something about oreos last week, but i saw your link on fb so i decided so look at your blog...only to find out that you have updated it multiple times! shame shame blogger for not letting me know! haha, so here you go. i read your blog. what can i say, i'm a blogaholic!

    ps. i picked that prompt for american heritage too.

  2. I read your blog cause you write so nice. It's enjoyable. And . . . we like you.
    Stacie Wartena

  3. Galumphas Puddlestomper, at your service.

  4. http://www.statcounter.com/ May I recommend this to you? You can put it on your blog either visible or hidden, and it keeps track of how many people view your blog, where in the country / world they are from, how long they looked at your blog, what sight they were at before they went to your blog, etc. It's a great way to see who is checking out your blog.

  5. I read your blog! Mostly because you're funny and I'm a blog stalker. :D

  6. Please tell me you're going to clean up these spam comments.
