Vinyl Induced Stress

I realize that I move out in twelve days, but that does not stop me from further decorating my room. Yesterday my mother and I went to craft stores to get fabric for my college blanket, and while in Joanne Fabrics I couldn't help but be drawn to the vinyl wall quotes. After seeing the ones Rebecca put up around her house I have been wanting one of my own! After much debate and mind changing, I decided on one. I was quite excited to put it up, and enthusiastically started the project before going to bed. Not my best idea. My enthusiasm soon turned to pure frustration. There was an included applicator, but it was doing me no good. Time after time I slowly peeled away the plastic covering hoping that this time the letters would stick to my wall, not the plastic I was pulling away from it. However, my hope was in vain and I never got the letters on completely correctly. There came a point when sleep was essential; around the time when I thought using ModPodge to make it stay was sounding like a good option. So I gave up on trying to make the words stick to my wall and settled for having them kinda sorta staying in place. Now as I sit on my bed typing away I can see the top of the 'e' in the word 'help' starting to curl off the wall. These letters have been up on my wall for less than 24 hours and already they have caused me more stress than I have experienced in recent memory. If anyone has any tips on how to better apply vinyl quotes to ones wall, I am very open to suggestions. In the mean time, I am going to go press the 'e' back for what will hopefully be the last time today :)

I share these pictures with you in the hopes that you will tell me how wonderful it looks, and that my efforts were totally worth it.

Oh, by the way, I went and saw Julie and Julia the other day. Loved it. The ending was rather abrupt, but they did a very good job incorporating the two stories!



  1. Elizabeth also has some of these up on her wall. Call her and Rebecca and I am sure between the two of them you can get it figured out. But just so you know, I couldn't see the "e" peeling off. What is Julie and Julia about> Haven't even heard of it.

  2. I love it! It looks wonderful! Really! =) Sorry about the e. =)

  3. I like it! :) I think Rachel and I should put some up in our dorm room! That will be cute! Good luck with the 'e'.
