My Good Week

Yesterday was actually pretty great. Is that really how you spell great?? It looks so wrong. Anyway, yesterday was pretty great. I watched the DaVinci Code with Jena and Rauni. We all ate way too much pizza, cookie dough, popcorn and chocolate, but thats all right. We enjoyed it. However, it was decided that next movie night we're having vegetable trays.

So this morning I was kinda thinking that it could only go down hill from there. What could possibly be better than movies and way too much junk food? Little did I know how awesome today would be.

This afternoon my brother called me to talk about Paris Hilton. Yes, I'm sorry Dan. However this is one of the highlights of my day, so I cant leave it out. He started the conversation informing me that his question would be 'wrong on so many levels,' and then proceeded to ask if I had seen Paris Hilton's new TV show. It was probably one of the best moments of my life.

Work today was spectacular. We didn't ever go on a wait, and it was extremely slow. Poor servers. But oh well, Rauni and i had amazing fun. We ate left over candy from last night, stuck stickers on Andy, and talked about our road trip to Disney Land. Then, to make a good night great, my manager let me go home half an hour early.

I went to Target today. It was necessary. Well, not really, but I wanted things. For quite some time I've wanted picture frames to hang on my wall, and today I found the most perfect simple white ones. I'm delighted. Along with the picture frames, I found an amazing red planner that makes me want 2008 to end so I can use it. In addition I got an amazing journal that I will cover with paper and make very cute :) I'll post pictures when I'm done.

Also, I went over to Rachel's apartment today, always a good thing. Not only did I get to see my amazing niece, but I got to tell her stories, the kind that only she understands!

Lastly, if I thought this day couldn't get any better, I was wrong. It is currently 11:11, and I made a wish.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like an excellent day! I love days like that! Hope you have mire of them! :)
